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Growfit - Pilates, Strength, Stretcn & Balance for Kids & Teens

Growfit - Pilates, Strength, Stretcn & Balance for Kids & Teens

A class designed for growing bodies. Classes are made up of combination of Pilates and strength exercises with a focus on inclusive and fun. Expect a focus on core, coordination and balance along with general strengthening. This class is suitable for 10 to 16 year olds.

Stretch, Roll & Release

Stretch, Roll & Release

A mix of full body active and static stretches focusing on all those common areas of tightness. A heavenly class which you are guaranteed to walk out of longer, taller and tension free.

Stretchy Mat Pilates

Stretchy Mat Pilates

A delightfully stretchy, bendy and juicy mat pilates class. This class focuses on plenty of stretch and mobilization exercises while still providing strength and stability work to leave you feeling both strong and flexible.

Over 50's Strength

Over 50's Strength

A strength class designed for the Over 50's population with a mix of circuit style functional exercises to promote bone health, muscle tone, balance and confidence. All welcome.

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